For general queries please contact Faye Godsell, Speech and Language Therapist.
Please note: Our waitlist is closed. Please try www.isti.ie for alternative SLTs. We can not offer assessments or appointements at this time. Please only e-mail for queries unrealted to assessment or therapy needs.
E: Faye@sligospeechtherapy.com
Address : First floor, Millennium House, Stephen St, Sligo
To contact Aisling Burke, Speech and Language Therapist:
E-mail: Aislingsligospeechtherapy@gmail.com
Address : First floor, Millennium House, Stephen St, Sligo
For general queries please contact Faye Godsell, Speech and Language Therapist.
Please note: Our waitlist is closed. Please try www.isti.ie for alternative SLTs. We can not offer assessments or appointements at this time. Please only e-mail for queries unrealted to assessment or therapy needs.
E: Faye@sligospeechtherapy.com
Address : First floor, Millennium House, Stephen St, Sligo
To contact Aisling Burke, Speech and Language Therapist:
E-mail: Aislingsligospeechtherapy@gmail.com
Address : First floor, Millennium House, Stephen St, Sligo